They are amazing, beautiful people! They have welcomed me into their family! I love spending time with them and hearing their stories.
This is a view of the valley I'm staying in, from the top of Doc Holliday Mountain. Yep, I climbed a mountain! It's so beautiful!! It's been in the 90s lately. ALMOST reminds me of good ol' Louisiana. Ohhhh, i miss that place...
The dandilions here are massive and beautiful!!
Oh, and there was a graveyard at the top of Doc Holliday Mountain, including a memorial for Doc Holliday...if anyone knows who he is, please fill me in.
These flowers remind me of my lovely mama! :)
So, I am enjoying my time here in CO. I go to work in Utah for my first shift this Wednesday. I'll be in the wilderness, no cell phone, no showers, for 8 days. I am excited, a little nervous! I am in here until the Lord leads me elsewhere...I'm not real sure what He is up to. But I do know that He has provided for me so faithfully and has me here for some purpose, surely.
So, I am enjoying my time here in CO. I go to work in Utah for my first shift this Wednesday. I'll be in the wilderness, no cell phone, no showers, for 8 days. I am excited, a little nervous! I am in here until the Lord leads me elsewhere...I'm not real sure what He is up to. But I do know that He has provided for me so faithfully and has me here for some purpose, surely.